Gledden Tour 1998
A Day in Hong Kong

airport. fishywishywishywish.

After we cleared the hotel and toddled out into the street it was off to find an eating house. We ended up in about the closest restaurant. 21 Gledden people occupied all bar three tables which probably livened up the evening for the proprieters. I wonder if it was worth cleaning up after the collective chopstick errors. Needless to say, the group of people unfamilar with such implements were about to find themselves getting a sight more practice.

Nothing like a stroll around the city to improve the digestion; three groups split up and wandered around in search of interesting sights. However unfamiliar a city is, there isn't all that much of interest when it's late on a Saturday and nearly everything is shut.

During the stroll around the quiet, but hardly darkened, shops we came across this example of a cross-cultural hiccup. A female mechanical engineering student who will remain nameless insisted someone get the picture displayed opposite.

Next to the hotel was a series of paved-over streets with an odd collection of modern art. There wasn't enough light to catch any of them on film in the evening and in the clear light of morning they appeared rather more modern than art. The fountain came as a relief; there isn't too much you can do to put corners on water, at least not in the Hong Kong climate.

There is a going to be a air bit more text in here by gum. I really wish I had the time to make this all look rather more professional and whatnot. I Hpoe that none of these little filler notes actaully make it through into the final products.

In the city where the Bison run, and Kirsty has great big teeth like vif.

This was the last photo opportunity of Hong Kong outside the airport as we bussed out to meet our plane. At the next stop the Gledden Tour was slated to start properly. This shot was somewhat complicated both by the motion and pitch of the bus, and the enthusiasm of a dozen fellow students who insisted on trying to use flashes from inside the bus. This was a recurring theme.

The mistiness over the harbour was still pronounced enough to show up in the photo. That day's local paper had a piece on air pollution with a number of sample photos. On balance, we were granted a relatively clear day.

It wasn't long before we were in the airport terminal again, having our luggage looked over, buying last minute neccessities, and hanging about for the first boarding call in a strange country.

© Bruce Murphy 2001