2 September 2006
Nymphenburg Palace served as the summer residence of the rulers of Bavaria, located approximately 15 minutes away from the centre of Munich. Luxuriant decor with various influences, one highlight being the "Gallery of Beauties", a room filled with portraits of women ranging from peasant women to royalty deemed to be beautiful at the time of King Ludwig I of Bavaria. Unfortunately dark interior + ban on flash photography = very few good photos, or in many cases I just did not bother.
front Obligatory (slightly crooked) front shot of building. |
fount Fountain at the front of complex. |
swan A novelty for a Western Australian! |
hall Hall at main entrance of palace with view to back garden. |
chinese1 Interesting Chinese influences on the decor. |
chinese2 More interesting Chinese influences on the decor. |
carriage One of the many ancient carriages housed in the museum arm. |
merry Still in the museum, an ancient merry-go-round. |
amalien Amalienburg, one of the several pavillions in the park surrounding the palace. |
chinese Can't help myself... more Chinese influences at the Amalienburg. |
mirrors The magnificent hall of mirrors at Amalienburg. |
pump View within one of the pumphouses supplying water to the pavilions. |
sign No ambiguity here... |