6 September 2006
Dachau was the first concentration camp ever set up, and became a model for all subsequent camps to be built (one of the surprising things which struck us was the sheer number of camps and subcamps which existed at the time). It is 30 minutes away from the centre of Munich, and was as expected a sobering experience. The museum was comprehensive and took a long time to absorb, more info can be found here.
entrance Arbeit macht frei. |
poster A poster within the museum ("Our last hope -- Hitler"). There was a great deal of information at the museum, historical as well as personal accounts. |
rollcall The central area of the camp where prisoner roll call was made. |
bunks Barracks slept in by prisoners. |
view View of roll call area from within barracks. |
uniform Blue-striped uniform of the prisoners. |
toilets Toilets in the barracks. |
blocks Foundations for the barracks lining up the camp road. Two of barracks have been reconstructed. |
infirminfo Some of the barracks were used for the infamous medical experiments on the prisoners. As researchers we wanted to know more about the experimentation which later led the path for the ethical guidelines set out in the Nuremberg Code -- but interest subsequently gave way to discomfort (to say the least) as we learned of hypothermia-induction, pus injections, and non- pressure-limited altitude tests. |
fencing The fencing around the perimeter of the camp. Prisoners who made it into the trench would be shot. Some deliberately ran here to end their suffering. |
cremstone Plaque at entrance of the crematorium. |
crem Lateral view of the crematorium |
chamberinfo Information posted on wall prior to entrance into gas chamber. Note that the gas chamber at Dachau was never used for mass murder. |
chamberent Entrance to gas chamber. |
gaschamber Gas chamber. |
oven Ovens used for cremation. |