September 2006
Arrived in Bern on 8 September 2006. The air is clean, the grass is green, the land is hilly, and the people are friendly.
plane View from plane during landing. |
black_things Organisation at the electronics bench in my lab (the upper most red tray says: "Schwarze Dinge (black things)"). |
Eva and Micha picked me up one Saturday for an outing!
murten Eva and Micha took me to a pleasant Swiss restaurant in Murten ... |
murtensee ... with a fantastic view of Lake Murten. |
mtully1 They then drove me to Mt. Vully, at the border of 3 cantons (Bern, Fribourg and Neuchatel). |
mtully2 More views from Mt. Vully. |
mtully3 More views from Mt. Vully. |
mtully4 More views from Mt. Vully. |
evamicha View from backyard of Eva and Micha's very charming country home between Murten and Fribourg. |
During the first 3 weeks, I stayed at the Studentenlogierhaus Tscharnergut, a student dorm/college about 15 minutes away from the centre of Bern by bus.
view View from 7th floor of the Studentenlogierhaus Tscharnergut. |
fondue1 Got invited to fondue night on my floor at college. |
fondue2 Fondue. |
tscharnergut1 One afternoon, I took a walk around the Tscharnergut area. I was surprised by a bleating noise. It turned out to be this little beastie, smack in the middle of a housing area :) I had a go with my mobile phone camera. |
tscharnergut2 It was quite a charmer, really... |
tscharnergut3 The goat was not alone. Not far from the compound in which it was housed (along with quite a few other goats), was this pig... |
tscharnergut4 And these chickens. I have also seen cows (in Switzerland? Really???), but have yet to get close enough while equipped with a camera to take good photos... |