Switzerland: The Flat

October 2006


After a week of viewing 8-9 flats all over town, I finally found The Flat. Below are the photos I took of it while I was still flat-hunting.


So I went furniture shopping...

In Progress...

and finally moved in on 29 September 2006. These photos below were taken on 5 October 2006. PLEASE EXCUSE THE MESS!!!

For the first 5 nights, I had no furniture (this is a separate rant) except for the (very leaky, as is obvious from the photo) air mattress and the temporary wardrobe (CHF 25,-, thank you Migros) in the photo as my only creature comforts. In Switzerland, you don't get light fittings when you move into a new flat, except for the bathroom, kitchen, and hallway if you're lucky. I was just glad I didn't have to shower by candlelight...
The bedroom, and a wardrobe being assembled (with a bit of help from my friend Eva -- thank you for dropping by!!!). At this stage I was still half-living out of the suitcase.
The study, with identical desks and chairs so Bruce and I won't fight ;) I imagine when he gets here he will fill this empty space very soon with many many things :P
The kitchen, with lots of donations courtesy of Eva and Micha, including a microwave, every man's best friend.
The living room, which was forced to be a temporary bedroom because my bed didn't get delivered in time, but thankfully my sofa bed did.
The Real Bed arrived about a week after I moved in. I began assembling it the next day...

Almost There...

These photos below were taken on 15 October 2006. At this stage, all the furniture I ordered from IKEA had arrived and had been assembled. The flat almost looks like a home now, hurray!

The bedroom. I have slept in the bed and it has not collapsed, yay! I also had completed assembling the wardrobe, and found some curtains.
The study now has a bookcase -- the last thing to be assembled -- but I imagine we will need many more!
The dining area. Very happy with the effect, especially the light fittings (CHF19.- from IKEA -- bargain!). The dining suite too, did not collapse when used. Just need some finishing touches now, like placemats, a flower vase or something (there are some beautiful sunflowers being sold even on the roadside flower stalls, though they will go away soon now that autumn is here).
The living area. The sofa bed now fufills the function of a couch again.
Another view of the living area. One of the first things I did was hunt down internet access (withdrawal symptoms!), and it finally arrived about a week later. However I still don't have wireless yet, so the desk has been moved temporarily to the living room where the cable socket is. All is good!

Switzerland | The First Month | The Flat | Muenster & Surrounds | Gurten | Gruyeres | Onion Market | Arosa | Riggs & xtal visit | Bruce's 30th bday | Miscellaneous
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