Szeged (I): River and surrounds

May - June 2003

The Tisza River

The Tisza runs right through Szeged, dividing it into Szeged and Uj (New) Szeged. I have yet to obtain a proper photo of the Tisza, and these photos below are less than satisfactory. Watch this space.

Pillar showing the levels to which the Tisza has flooded in the past, with the corresponding year annotated. Szeged was destroyed by floodwaters in 1879, and subsequently rebuilt.
Shot of banks of Tisza River shortly after dawn.

Bridge Festival

On 23-25 May, a Bridge Festival was held in conjunction with Szeged Day. Stalls were set up on the inner-city bridge and in addition to local produce and folk arty stuff being sold, there were also interesting stands featuring curios from Hungary's neighbouring countries (and in one case, China).

The Bridge Festival coincided with Children's Day and there were lots of kids around with painted faces. This was a particularly shy kid (despite the scowl) decked in the Hungarian flag colours.
Random person peddling beaded bracelets and necklaces.
I took a photo of this lady while she was at work, but she decided to pose for me. Naturally I couldn't refuse :)
Some sort of pizza-like thingy with lots of cottage cheese on top. I have been told what this is, but I forget.

Ferenc Mora Museum

Contains a permanent exhibition of archeological finds pertaining to the Avar tribes (who were in the Carpathian Basin before the Magyars, the current occupants of Hungary, came along), the best of its kind in Hungary. Great collection of Hungarian folk art as well. The glass ceiling was very pretty too, unfortunately no photos were allowed :(

Front view of museum including fountain, a park surrounds this.
The words say "To the education of the public".
A photo of the museum at night will hopefully follow shortly.

Hungary | Szeged I | Szeged II | Szeged III | Szeged IV | Budapest
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